Become a Hershey Partnership Member
Welcome to Hershey, the sweet little town with a lot to offer!
The Hershey Partnership, your Hershey PA Chamber of Commerce, is dedicated to serving businesses that thrive on local as well as tourist commerce. The Hershey Partnership members serve businesses, residents, and visitors. There are many commonalities between businesses that serve those visiting the area and those who live here, but there are also distinct differences. As an organization, we pride ourselves on our ability to serve all of our members’ unique needs – whether they be Hershey restaurants, local services, hotels, attractions, or other types of businesses. One way we do this is through our publication Your Guide to Chocolate Town, USA, a great reference for both Hershey residents and visitors.
The Hershey Partnership is a very active organization, providing you with opportunities for Networking, Advertising, Cooperative Marketing and Personal and Professional Development. We are also very dedicated to giving back to the community through various activities.
If you are interested in growing your business in South Central Pennsylvania or the Hershey area we encourage you to join The Hershey Partnership, your Hershey PA Chamber of Commerce. Stop by our Information Center at 1135 E. Chocolate Avenue St. 102 in Hershey or call us at (717)-298-1359. You can also send us an email at information@hersheypartnership.com.
Membership Benefits
Networking Opportunities
- Through monthly FREE Member Breakfast Meetings and Mixers hosted by members, The Hershey Partnership boasts one of the most prolific networking opportunities in the area. Monthly Breakfast Meetings are the first Thursday of every month at 8:00 am. Locations vary, as all Breakfast Meetings are hosted by Members!
- Attendance at Harrisburg Regional Chamber events at the member rate just by being a Hershey Partnership Member.
- Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Services – Announcement to all members and Grand Opening Banner available for rental.
- Learn about cooperative advertising possibilities with other members.
Advertising Opportunities
- Members get a free listing in the directory in Your Guide to Chocolate Town, USA, the official community information guide of The Hershey Partnership plus discounted rates on additional advertising.
- Free listing on The Hershey Partnership Website. Upgraded listings and banner advertising available.
- Get the word our about your special offers, events, and plans, plus hear about everyone else’s via the newsletter and web calendar.
- Free listing in the Membership Directory for your Hershey area restaurant, hotel, attraction, or any other business.
- Free literature display space in the Hershey Partnership Information Center at 1135 E. Chocolate Avenue St. 102 Wall advertisements and additional spaces available.
Cooperative Marketing
- Your Guide To Chocolate Town, U.S.A.
- Events Sponsorships
- Other opportunities as presented
Personal and Professional Development
- Professional Speakers
- Harrisburg Regional Chamber Member Events
- Notices about other opportunities
Weekly E-Mailings
Each member can contribute information to the publication. Information can include:
- Member highlights and news
- Membership discount information
- Calendar of events and promotions
- Issues affecting the community
- Announcements on other opportunities
Membership Dues
Membership rates for joining The Hershey Partnership, your Hershey PA Chamber of Commerce, are based upon the physical business location. Membership period is February 1 – January 31.
2025 Membership Rates
- Category 1 – $400 per member per year
- Category 2 – $400 per member per year
- Category 3 – $520 per member per year
- Category 1,2,3 Non Profit** – $200 per member per year
Category Designations
Category 1
Dauphin County – Derry Twp, Hummelstown Borough, East Hanover Twp, Grantville, West Hanover Twp, South Hanover Twp, Swatara Twp, Lower Swatara Twp, Middletown, Highspire, Steelton, Lower Paxton Twp, Paxtonia, Linglestown, Colonial Park, Conewago Twp, Londonderry Twp, Royalton.
Lebanon County – Palmyra Borough, North Londonderry Twp, South Londonderry Twp, North Annville Twp, South Annville Twp, West Cornwall Twp, Mt. Gretna.
Lancaster County – Mt. Joy Twp, West Donegal Twp
Category 2
Remaining Townships in Dauphin, Lebanon, Lancaster, and all of Perry, York, Cumberland, Franklin & Adams Counties
Category 3
All other areas
** All non-profit organizations are welcome to join The Hershey Partnership at the reduced rates listed above, maintaining no voting privileges. If a non-profit organization wishes to maintain voting privileges, they must volunteer to pay the full dues per their category. Note: Dues structure subject to change. Please contact The Hershey Partnership for current dues.